Friday, December 16, 2011

"The Miseducation of Hip-Hop Discrimination in Education"

Hip-Hop is a form of music and lyrics that many can relate it.  Hip-Hop is about gang fights, drive by shooting, and people getting stabbed.  How you choice to dress if your own right of expression.  You should never judge a book by it covers, many have said.  Jason Hinmon was a college student that transferred to the University of Delaware from Morehouse College in Atlanta.  Hinmon was portrayed as a hoodlum, because he wore hoodies and had dread locks in his hair.  Hinmon states" I came to class and my professors didn't know how to deal with me". "I could barely get them to meet with me during office hours". (Evelyn 559)  Sadly, this happens to many people, because they are misunderstood.  Hinmon has the right to dress the way he choices.  Hip Hop artist do wear their clothes hanging off their bottom and hoodies over their head, but older generations only see that.  They do not know the education behind the artist. David Banner, also known as Mr. Mississippi, has a bachelor's degree in business from Southern University. He also pursued a master's in education from the University of Maryland.Sean 'Puffy' Combs, better known as Puff Daddy or P. Diddy, attended Howard University and Plies played football for two years at Miami University before transferring to the University of Central Florida, that is just to name a few.  Dressing properly for a job interview would be a good judgment call and is more professional.  It is instructors role to teach students and reach them at their level, not treat them like they are stupid or that they are trouble makers, because they do not dress the way the instructors feel is appropriate.  Dr. Thomas Earl Midgette is 50 years old and is from an older generation.  The world has evolved and he needs to also.  Higher Education has nothing to do with the way you dress.  So should all smart people wear slacks, ties, and shirts with pocket protectors?  Dr Thomas Midgette believes that hip-hop is the cause for students dressing like hoochie mamas and hoodlum.  Dr. Thomas Midgette has a right to his opinion, but it is just, an opinion.  

Gray-Rosendale, L. (2008) Pop Perspectives. Readings in Critique Contemporary Culture. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc

Saturday, December 10, 2011

"The Bias of Language, The Bias of Pictures"

In this essay Postman and Powers describe the difference in pictures, motion pictures, and language. They put into perspective that news anchors on television sometimes put there on twist on the news. No two anchors describe the same event with the same words, so as viewers we may not ever get the true story of what is happening around us.  Postman and Powers explain "that pictures, especially single pictures speak only in particularities." (postman and power 485).  "Unlike words and sentences, a picture does not present to us an idea or concept about the world, except as we use language itself to convert the image to idea." (postman and power 485). A motion pictures can express emotion and meaning in the picture.  You can understand what is going on at the motion.  I motion picture with sound explains where the event is happening and at what time.  A motion picture will most likely keep your attention, then just a picture or just language.  Postman and Power suggest that the new picks and choices what they feel is entertaining to viewers and not what is important.  A newspaper does not use pictures and motion pictures to get a point across.  The articles are real and full of information that every individual can read and understand.  "The fact that television news is principally made up of moving pictures prevents it from offering lengthy, coherent explanations of events" (postman and power 489).

Gray-Rosendale, L. (2008) Pop Perspectives. Readings in Critique Contemporary Culture. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc

Monday, November 28, 2011

Kid Dark Vador vs Volkswagon

This commercial brought back an all time favorite character that everyone knows and blended him into the new world of Volkswagen.  This decision was creative and also genius.  This commercial is more directed toward the male gender, because Star Wars was a story of a father and son.  Women did not relate to Star Wars as much as men, because there was only one female character pretty much in the whole series. When the father tries to hug his son when he was walking up to home and the son going around his is very common.  The little Dark Vador was on a serious mission and did not have time to waste. The parents in this commercial are the typical family.  The mother is letting her son explore his forces and fixing his a sandwich so he can keep his energy up.  She knows that if he is going to moves objects with his mind, they is going to need a good lunch. The dad is the typical dad that has a good sense of humor.  When his son is out there trying to move the car or to get the car to do anything, dad came to the rescue.  He made his son think that he started the car and the boy does not know other wise.  It is funny, because the mother knows that the dad just costed her more days of her son running around in the Dark Vador costume trying to turn on the television or anything else in the house.  Dark Vador the character is still so known today, because it made such an impact on people that it is still talked about and watched today.  Parents talk about it to the their children, because they still love it.  Also, the second trilogy came out in 2005, and that relit the flame for Star Wars.

Friday, November 25, 2011

Justin Bieber "Baby" Video

The Justin Bieber video "Baby" featuring Ludacris, is a very well edited and choreographed video.  The bowling alley where the video was filmed was a great touch.  Many young teenagers hang out with their friends at bowling alley.  Some have music nights, so young teens can dance and have fun with their friends. The "Baby" video is very relatable to young teens and the music is easy to listen to for all ages.  Justin Bieber is a young rising artist and he makes it possible for other young kids to see that anything is possible. The video also shows what young kids deal with, as far as, falling in love and getting their hearts broken.  Ludacris coming into the video and singing, just broadens the age group of listeners that will like the song, because Ludacris is a very successful older artist that people of all ages like and respect.  Overall the video is entertaining and fun for anything that likes listening to music.