Monday, November 28, 2011

Kid Dark Vador vs Volkswagon

This commercial brought back an all time favorite character that everyone knows and blended him into the new world of Volkswagen.  This decision was creative and also genius.  This commercial is more directed toward the male gender, because Star Wars was a story of a father and son.  Women did not relate to Star Wars as much as men, because there was only one female character pretty much in the whole series. When the father tries to hug his son when he was walking up to home and the son going around his is very common.  The little Dark Vador was on a serious mission and did not have time to waste. The parents in this commercial are the typical family.  The mother is letting her son explore his forces and fixing his a sandwich so he can keep his energy up.  She knows that if he is going to moves objects with his mind, they is going to need a good lunch. The dad is the typical dad that has a good sense of humor.  When his son is out there trying to move the car or to get the car to do anything, dad came to the rescue.  He made his son think that he started the car and the boy does not know other wise.  It is funny, because the mother knows that the dad just costed her more days of her son running around in the Dark Vador costume trying to turn on the television or anything else in the house.  Dark Vador the character is still so known today, because it made such an impact on people that it is still talked about and watched today.  Parents talk about it to the their children, because they still love it.  Also, the second trilogy came out in 2005, and that relit the flame for Star Wars.

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